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Re: Child Pornography

>> On Fri, 9 Feb 1996 Buck1776@aol.com wrote:
>> > Somebody needs to do something about child pronography being shown and
>Come *ON*, people, you've been HAD. This guy is indulging in FREE
>ADVERTISING!! SHeesh. Where are your *clues* ?? And you've ALL HELPED
>by repeating his URL over and over. COngratulations!
>Jody C. Patilla                                         jcp@tis.com
>Trusted Information Systems                             Glenwood, Md.

An Ad???

I don't know.....


Call me cynical...

The Telecomm bill was just signed; The Feds said they  won't enforce it
while waiting for the courts to decide the case... BUT they did say that
they'd continue to gather evidence, then enforce it with said evidence if
the case goes their way....

Not that I support any kind of child-porn, but the telecomm bill leaves the
term "indecent" open to question - already the Left (a' la Eli Wissel (sp?)
is claiming that someting has to be done to stop the Nazi-cooks with
web-pages from putting thier indecent "hate speech" on the net, while the
Christan Right is claiming that talking about Abortion where children might
read/see it is "indecent" and should come under the control of the CDA..

What we need is a some kind of an ID/cryptography system that can be used
as a defense against entrapment... by rampaging Feds and a solid
"child-proof" cap for adult conversations - maybe someone will setup a
"Over 18" Certificate authority...


Government should be against the law.
Term Limits aren't enough... we need JAIL!
